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Puscheck Family
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The Puscheck family has been in the area since its early settlement and played a significant role in local history. We will start with a brief history of several important early Puschecks.
(Reference Numbers in Red)
Puscheck, Christian, G. (also known as Christoph, or Charles; last name sometimes spelled Pusheck) (#32)
Many Puscheck descendents of Proviso Township can trace their lineage to Christian G. Puscheck. He was born, Christian Gottlieb Puscheck, in Prussia circa 1802 and was an inhabitant of Kurzwitz near the Polish border. A devout Lutheran, he left Germany in pursuit of religious freedom in 1839. He came to America with his wife and children at approximately 48 or 50 years of age and settled on a maple farm in Minnesota or Wisconsin. Soon after, they traveled to Illinois in a covered wagon. He then located his family in Lyons Township, Cook County, Illinois. In 1845, he bought property near Franzosenbusch and moved to Section 16. He was an excellent grain farmer and also raised livestock. The Puscheck farm was divided between his sons; John Gottlieb Puscheck and Karl Puscheck after the death of their parents.
Note: Puscheck Road is now Gardner Road in Westchester.
Anna Rosina nee Chuebsch (#33). was Christian's wife. She was born in Prussia in Luzine, Silescia and died June 17, 1875. She is buried in "Immanuel" Proviso cemetery along with her husband, Christian G. Puscheck who died in 1861. Anna Rosina and Christian had five children in Prussia, (see next page).
Although not a member of the church, Christian Puscheck joined with seven other "founding fathers'* in 1852 to obtain permission from Zion Lutheran to form a school district in Franzosenbusch. In 1857 he became a member of Zion Lutheran. Others to join at that time were John Schuiz, Friedrich Haase, Friedrich Weiss, August Heidorn, Heinrich Ehrenpfort, Heinrich Runge, Seigfried Kolb, and C, Seegers. In the following year these same men petitioned the Zion church in Addison to establish a separate congregation in Proviso. Their request was granted and in 1858 Charles and his son John G. Puscheck became charter members of the new Immanuel Lutheran congregation.
A quick reference "fact sheet" is available at Christian Puscheck.
(John) Gottlieb Puscheck
was born September 29,
1835 in Prussia. He migrated with his family to the Illinois in 1839.
John assisted his father as a farmer up to 1861. He was resident of Franzosenbusch community and
one of the founding
fathers of Immanuel Lutheran School. He married Marie Steinel
(#26) on
July 6, 1861.
Marie and Gottlieb were destined to be blessed with 11 children.
Their first, a son, was Fred J. Puscheck on September 15, 1861.
Gottlieb and Marie also had a daughter, Ann L. Puscheck born in 1877 and died May 31, 1935 at the age of 57 years, 5 months and 8 days.
Another daughter, Bertha, was born in 1875 and died December 1, 1939 at the age of 60 years, 11 months and 29 days.
Gottlieb died March 30, 1901.
Marie Steinel was born January 3, 1838, and died May 30, 1912 at the age of 74 years, 4 months.
Fred J. Puscheck
(#5) was born September 15,
1861, the son of John Gottlieb and Marie (Steinel) Puscheck. Fred and Louise M. Ahrens
(#6) were
married December 14, 1884, at the Immanuel Lutheran Church, Proviso Township,
Illinois. Fred and Louise M. were the parents of Clemens C. Puscheck,
born November 1, 1885.
Fred and Louise had a son Alwin was born June 29, 1887 and died April 26, 1891. Fred J. and Louise M. Puscheck also had twins on November 27, 1894, a daughter Ella and a son Elmer. Unfortunately Ella died February 16, 1895, and Elmer died May 31, 1895. Fred J. Puscheck died April 6, 1954.
Fred J. Puscheck died April 6, 1954.
Louise M. Ahrens was born September 25, 1863 and died January 25, 1934, at the age of 70 years, 5 months and 25 days.
Clemens C. Puscheck was born November 1, 1885, the son of Fred and Louise (Ahrens) Puscheck. He married Mathilde Heidorn. He became the first Village Magistrate of Westchester in 1926 and was active in village matters for many years.
Clemens and Mathilde Puscheck also had a daughter Viola S. Puscheck. She was born August 20, 1925 and died May 25, 1942 at the age of 16 years, 9 months and 25 days.
Clemens C Puscheck died December 25, 1936, at the age of 51 years, 1 year and 24 days.
Mathilde Heidorn was born June 27, 1892 and died 20 January 1976 at the age of 84 years.
All of the above people were members of the
Immanuel Lutheran Church and are buried at the Immanuel Lutheran Cemetery, Hillside, Illinois.
In total, there are 32 Puschecks buried at the Immanuel Lutheran Cemetery.
The Puscheck farm was in the area of the current Bellwood. Gardner Road (the division between Westchester and Broadview) was previously named Puscheck Road. That same street, as it continues into Bellwood, is known as Puscheck in Bellwood.
(Click on the "thumbnail" pictures of the markers to see a larger blowup.
In 1850 Charles G. Puscheck, with land on Section 28, was one of the first two constables of Proviso Township.
Genealogical Chart with Grave Markers
Shirley Slanker, a local historian, is compiling family trees of many of the "old" families of the area. Thanks to her extensive efforts we can present the Puscheck Family tree. It goes back to around 1800 when Christian Puscheck was born. He came with his wife Anna Rosena Chuebsch Puscheck to America in September of 1839. We should note, the Puscheck family intertwines with the Heidorn Family which will be addressed separately with its own tree.
(Reference Numbers in Red)
1 Christian Puscheck #32 (ca. 1802 - dec.)
== Anna Rosina Chuebsch Puscheck #33 ( - 1875)
!- 2 Johann (John) Gottleib Puscheck #25 (1835 - 1901)
| ||
| == Marie Steinel Puscheck #26 (1838 - 1912)
| |- 3 Susanna Puscheck Meier #34 ( - dec.)
| | ||
| | == Heinrich Meier #35 ( - dec,)
| |- 3 Helena Puscheck Ulrich #40 ( - dec.)
| | == Adolph Ulrich #41 ( - dec.)
| |- 3 Charles William Puscheck #36 (1855 - 1923)
| | == Clara Zuttermeister Puscheck #37 ( - dec.)
| |- 3 Frederick J. Puscheck #5 (1861 - 1954)
| | == Louise Marie Dorothea Ahrens Puscheck #4 (1863 - 1934)
| | |- 4 Clemens Carl A. Puscheck #8 (1855 - 1936)
| | | == Mathilde Heidorn Puscheck #9 (1892 - 1976)
| | | |- 5 Lora Puscheck Klemm #19 (1917 - )
| | | | == Bernard Klemm #27 (1914 - )
| | | |- 5 Elma Puscheck Cairns #21 (1918 - )
| | | | == William J. Cairns #22 (1917 - )
| | | | |- 6 Dale Cairns #57 ( - )
| | | | | == Florence Cairns #58 ( - )
| | | | | |- 7 Dana Viola Cairns #59 ( - )
| | | | | |- 7 Emma Cairns #60 ( - )
| | | | |- 6 Kathleen Cairns Wessler #50 (1946 - dec)
| | | | | == Wendell Wessler #51 ( - )
| | | | | |- 7 Lisa (Kehan Knapp) Wessler #52 (1965 - )
| | | | |- 6 Joel Cairns #53 (1955 - )
| | | | | == Gail Steward Cairns #54 ( - )
| | | | | |- 7 Brian Cairns #55 (1986 - )
| | | | | |- 7 Gregory Cairns #56 (1989 - )
| | | |- 5 Armin Puscheck Skleba #23
(1920 - )
| | | |- 5 Viola S. Puscheck #18 (1925 - 1942)
| | |- 4 Alwin Puscheck #10 (1887 -
| | |- 4 Martha Marie Sophie Puscheck Boeger #11 (1889 - 1971)
| | | == William Fredrick F. Boeger, Jr. #12 ( - )
| | |- 4 Ella Puscheck #13 (1894 -
| | |- 4 Elmer Puscheck #14 (1894 - 1895)
| | |- 4 Arno Edward AF Puscheck #15 (1898 - dec.)
| | | == Elsie Brockschmidte Puscheck #29 ( - )
| |- 3 Mary Puscheck Heidorn
#38 (1863 - 1948)
| | == Henry Otto Heidorn #39 (1853 - 1923.)
| |- 3 John P. Puscheck #42 (1869 - 1912)
| | == Emma Mandel Puscheck #43 (1874 - 1941)
| |- 3 Mathilde
#44 (1871 - 1877)
| |- 3 Henry W. Puscheck #45 (1873 - 1950)
| | == Minna (Wilhelmina) Meine Puscheck #46 (1898 - 1932)
| | |- 4 Etta A. Puscheck #77 (1904
- 1980)
| | |- 4 Erna Puscheck #76 (1909 - 1929)
| |- 3 Bertha Puscheck #31 (1875 -
| |- 3 Anna Puscheck #30 (1877 -
| |- 3 Edwin J. Puscheck #47 (1880
- 1967)
| | == Amanda Heidorn Puscheck #48
(1881 - 1957)
| | |- 4 Della Puscheck #75 (1919 -
| |- 3 Adele Puscheck Heidorn #49 (1884 - 1926)
| | == Martin Heidorn #74 (1880 - 1954)
More information is available on at:
Please feel free to contact me at j.arbuthnot@sbcglobal.net. I will route your email through our other researchers.
Markers from Immanuel Lutheran Cemetery. Photographs by Jim Arbuthnot.
Sources were used in the compilation of this entry include but are not limited to:
Last Modified: 12/07/2003